Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Story: Adventures of Rich and Mike

One day a man named Mike was wandering around his neighborhood trying to decide what he wanted to do for the day. While he was quite bored and was not sure what his day would consist of, he decided to call his friend Rich and see if he wanted to hang out.

Rich and Mike were great friends, even though they would get on each other’s nerves from time to time. Rich was actually the smartest person in the world who so happened to live in Mike’s neighborhood. They began hanging out when they were very young and grew up to be very close. Rich was always into making weird toys and futuristic type objects; sometimes they would work, and sometimes they wouldn’t. But as they got older, Rich’s experiments actually began to work and do things no one had ever seen before… so this is where their story begins.

Mike and Rich decided to go on an adventure and see what they could get into. As they were walking through town on their way to a nearby abandoned park, they saw a man standing in their path who seemed to want something from them. Rich, who did not want to stop and help this man decided to keep walking past the man. Mike, on the other hand, was the type of person to help anyone who was in need.

Mike stopped to ask this man what was wrong and made Rich stop with him so they could continue their adventure together. The man asked if the two boys would help get him to the top of the mountain so he could collect food for his family, and while both boys knew they could easily help him up there by sending him in one of Rich’s transportation devices, they decided to do it the hard way.

Both boys walked all the way to the top of the mountain while the man followed behind them. Half way up the mountain, the boys saw what looked like a blizzard forming coming for them. The boys turned around to look for the man they were helping, and he was gone. The boys were very confused and had no idea where the man went. They called for him, searched for him, and went back down the mountain as far as they could without meeting the blizzard. They never found the man, and decided to keep walking forward in hopes of beating the blizzard to the top of the mountain.

While Mike knew that Rich had an item that could transport them back to their home safe and sound, Mike wanted to see how far they could make it without “cheating”.

Rich, on the other hand, was ready to go home and not risk being caught in the blizzard. So he convinced Mike to follow him home and get home as soon as possible.

Once the boys got back home, they realized the blizzard had followed them back home and was about to cover their neighborhood in complete ice. So the boys worked together to find the perfect weapons, tools, and objects to save the town from complete destruction…

Rich fought hard and used everything he had to save the town, yet nothing was working. The one item he did not use was his transporter…

Shortly after Mike realized nothing was working, he grabbed Rich’s transporter, formed a portal, and made everyone in the town go through it to get to a safe, warm place that would keep the town from losing their population.

When everyone was safe and counted for, they threw a celebration and thank you party for the boys who helped save their people. While everyone was enjoying the festivities, Mike turned around to notice the old man standing there giving his thanks as well. Little did Mike, or Rich, know that the old man had fallen on the way up to the mountain, which is why they could not find him. When Rich had opened his portal, it happened to be right on top of the old man which had caused the man to fall in as well.

In the end, both boys were seen as heroes and were praised for the rest of their lives for saving hundreds of people from the massive blizzard.
Rick and Morty
Author's Note:
I came up with this story using an old Japanese Fairy Tale story of how a warrior goes on an adventure to help a man kill his enemy. I also used the theme of the story from a T.V show called Rick and Morty. If anyone has seen this show, then you will know how some of this (hopefully) fits in. 
This story is part of the Japanese Fairy Tales (Ozaki) unit. Story source: Japanese Fairy Tales by Yei Theodora Ozaki (1908).


  1. Your version is an interesting way to retell the Japanese fairy tales in a modern, American scenario. Too bad, I didn’t not know the TV show “Rick and Morty,” and so, there are some parts that confuse me. I wish you would continue the story to tell what happens when the whole town is transported to the new place. Do they live there or move back to their hometown afterward? I am very curious. Anyway, nicely done in combine the old fairy tales to a modern TV show.

  2. You did a good job in creating a backstory so that we would know the relationship between Rich and Mike. They seemed to be very good friends. I like how the old man was not the blizzard and how he was not the cause of it. That is what I assumed when they could not find him, but I later found out that it was not the case. Also, I was glad that you wrote it so that the old man was saved.

  3. I enjoyed your story!! I like how you took a traditional Japanese fairytale and made it completely modern and realistic. I like how you based it off a tv show. Although not all have seen Rick and Morty, it was still easy to follow. Ypur descriptions also made it easy to follow and picture the story. You left your story at a good ending because you can either finish it like you did or you can continue the story if you choose! overall, great story!

  4. I have never read the original story, but I thought you did a great job. I liked the idea of changing a story like this to be set in the future. You were very creative with them using a transporter to move the whole town away from the blizzard. It’s awesome that they were able to save their whole town. I also like the fact that the old man was saved from the blizzard too.

  5. I love Rick and Morty! It's such a funny show, and I definitely found the similarities between your characters and the show's.

    I like when people take stories and use certain elements of a story to inspire their own tale, which is what you did here. What you ended up with was something that clearly wasn't Rick and Morty or the source story, but something new entirely!

  6. I think you did a great job of being creative with this story. I respect the two boys for wanting to do things the hard way instead of taking the easy way out. That's a good lesson that a lot of people seem to have forgotten. The only suggestions I could make here is about your Author's Note. I actually have never seen or heard of the show Rick and Morty. I wish you would have explained the characters or may just the premise of the show in your author's note that way I could have understood the comparison. Either way, your story was fun and engaging!

  7. This story was very creative and super funny! I have never heard of Rick and Morty before this, but I am for sure interested in it now after reading your story!

    It would be nice (like savannah suggested) for you to elaborate a little on what Rick and Morty is, since I knew there was no way I am the only person who has never heard of it!
    Very well done!
