For this week’s story, I chose to do a section from the
English Fairy Tales. I have always loved fairy tales and was very intrigued by
some that I had found while reading today. The one that stuck out to me the
most throughout the whole story, was the section, “The Old Woman and Her Pig”.
This was a very interesting section of the story because all it was, was a
chain of commands the old woman gave to things around her. She went to the
store to buy a pig and the pig would not listen to her. So the old woman would
try and have the dog make the pig return to its stile, so she would ask
something else to make the dog bring the pig to the stile, and so forth. None
of them obeyed her commands until the very end when it finally made it back
around the chain and the pig finally went to his stile. I would change this
story by having the old lady still ask everything around her to help her get
her pig back to its stile, but only one of them would say yes. In the end, the
pig would be so disobedient it would not accept any help the old lady tried to
give the pig. The pig would run away, making the old lady ask everyone for help
on at least finding her pet. Once the pig would be found, he would not go to
his stile, but to the old lady’s bed. Making the old lady realize the pig just
wanted some company. So from that day on out, the old lady would treat her pig
as if he was a dog and they would be best friend until their last days
This story is part of the English Fairy Tales unit. Story source: English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1890).
Old lady and Her Pig
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