Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tech Tip: Canvas Calendar

The tech tip I chose to look at this week was the Canvas Calendar. Because I am a senior, and Canvas is completely new to me, I try to do as much research on Canvas as possible. One thing I like more than D2L in the calendar. I think it makes things a lot easier when I am trying to see what comes up next for each class, when the D2L calendar would show things for every class at once. I love that there is a grace period for this class and the assignments which has helped more than anything. There might be times when I forget to do an assignment for this class or have an emergency where I cannot do it on time, and realize there is a grace period the next morning. I have not yet synced my own calendar yet with Canvas's because I am not entirely confident in doing it yet, but that will probably be my next thing to work on! I also love how easy it is to find things through Canvas. Even though this is my only class using Canvas this semester, I am starting to realize how much more I like it than D2L.

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