As the men approached the forbidden cave where the giant, robot cyclops lived, they could hear the deep growling from a mile away… The men strapped their armor on and added as much armor to their hover craft that they could before they ran out of time. As they hovered closer and closer to the cave, they could feel the tension so hard they could cut it with their metal swords.
The cyclops could hear the men approaching; he grabbed every piece of armor he had and every one of his weapons he owned. Although, none would do the trick like his Valyrian Steel sword would. He strapped all of his armor on, and locked everything important to him away in case the men were able to invade his cave. Once he heard the hovercraft board his island, he made his way to the beach where the soldiers had arrived.
The soldiers and the cyclops were finally face to face. While there is only one of the cyclops, and hundreds of soldiers, the cyclops’ power outnumbered the men 50 to 1. You could see the soldiers shaking as they saw the giant robot wielded his incredible sword towards them. Each men knew that the only way to win this battle was to fight with all of their strength and fight like they never had before. While the cyclops was waiting for the men to make the first move, he pulled the lever to his grenade launcher and watched it fly past the men’s hovercraft; almost like he was teasing them. The soldiers knew it was time to make their move before it was too late.
The soldiers fought with all of their might and used all of their weapons against this giant monster. The soldiers had every gun in the world, even those that were not able to be used outside of the government, and fought with every bit of strength they possessed. The cyclops robot put up a hell of a fight, and held them off for as long as he could; he even took half of the army’s soldier’s lives doing so. Yet, he did not prevail.
The men fought long and hard and did their very best to win this battle. Which they did, after many hours of fighting against the giant cyclops. Although it was not an easy battle, they decided to spare the cyclops’s life and tie him to their hovercraft to take him back to headquarters to be tested on. After the cyclops had been secured down, they took every bit of something worth any money, and took every weapon they could find.
On their way back to headquarters, they would have to pass the island of the Sirens; deadly creatures to anyone who would hear their singing if they felt threatened. The only way to get back home was to pass this isle, so they did as quiet and stealthy as they could. Little did the men know that the cyclops was still awake enough to groan in pain…
While they were passing the isle, the cyclops did in fact groan as loudly as he could. Thankfully for the men, they still had their armor on and the craft was still covered in metal armor to be protected as well.
The evil mermaid, sirens tried as hard as they could to attack this hovercraft and sang as loud as possible to try and capture every man on board. While only a few men were aware of the singing, the others were falling off the hovercraft due to the singing of the sirens being so deadly. Each and every men that fell off the craft were immediately taken by the mermaids and were dragged back to their isle to receive their fate.
The few men that did survive the battle of the sirens made their way back to headquarters, only to find that the cyclops had somehow untied himself and let himself loose near the siren’s island. Which is why this island is now known as the most deadly island in the world and must not ever be passed by again.
Soldiers in battle
Author's Note:
This story was taken from the original story of Homer's Odyssey. The two parts from this story I had taken were from the story of the evil Cyclops and the beautiful Sirens. Each part of these stories were changed slightly to be a little bit more futuristic and up to date of what it would be more like if this happened today.