Giving feedback has always been a somewhat difficult task for me, simply for the fact I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings! At the same time, receiving negative feedback can hurt as well, although I have learned that no one means any harm, they simply are just giving feedback! That's why the article I thought was the most interesting to me was,
Why Rejection Hurts So Much- and What to do About It. I liked this article because it talked about both sides of this situation and why people handle it differently, and I think that helped me understand it a little bit more as well. I have learned that you have to be careful with your choice of words when giving feedback though, especially over the internet. When people read words over the computer, they may read it in a different way that you intended when originally leaving the comment. So just be courteous when leaving feedback!
I have had a few times outside of school where I have had to give negative feedback, and I never feel good about it. I manage at a restaurant and have realized that nothing will change for the better if you do not tell people to fix something that is going wrong. If no one knows they are doing something wrong, then it will never get fixed. I have learned this way that no one is
trying to be mean when giving feedback, but they are just trying to help you. Like I said above, I used to take negative feedback somewhat to the heart too. But as I have gone through many classes where feedback is necessary, I have realized that I need to just accept it as is and fix what may, or may not, be wrong with my writing!
Happy, Mutual, and Negative
I share the same opinion that you do when receiving negative feedback. I think it is natural for people to feel discouraged when their mistakes are pointed out. Furthermore, I believe people should give feedback gently and in a considerate manner. It is important to receive negative and positive feedback so that the person can take in the correct reinforcement for the situation that is being corrected. As painful as feedback can be it is useful for better oneself and their performance!