One breezy, hot day in the middle of the desert, there was a boy named Adam who was left all alone with nothing but his name. He knew nothing of what was about to be ahead of him, or even how to handle it. Adam looked around in such confusion because he had no idea where he was or how he had gotten there; all he knew was his name. As he sat and pondered everything that was happening around him, he finally got the urge to go exploring. Little did he know that he was created on purpose; to find his purpose in life, and recreate mankind. Adam was created as simple as simple could get. He had little to no muscles, he was only about 5 feet and 5 inches tall, and he only knew simple English.
Adam wondered around for a few hours, and eventually fell extremely hungry. Not knowing how to cook or catch anything to eat, he started to brainstorm ideas of what to eat and how to catch it. After many trials and errors of cooking things that seemed to be edible, he finally figured out what was good to eat, and what was bad for him.
Adam struggled for many days. He cooked what food he could and picked what fruit was available, but only found enough to keep him somewhat satisfied. Adam realized how lonely he was becoming and still was not truly happy. He needed a companion, and didn’t even know it. Help was needed for harvesting crops and fruits, killing game for meat, making shelter, and simply someone for company. So he decided to start his journey to a new part of this world…
Adam hiked mountains and swam through lakes and stumbled upon a beautiful rainforest which was rich with vegetables, fruits, and fresh water. He decided this was the place to set up camp for a while.
After finding a comfortable place that was shaded and had plenty of food, he decided to walk around and find stuff that could further his journey. Although what he didn’t know was that he was intruding on someone else’s land… Eve had put a lot of thought into her life so far and did not want what she had made to be ruined, so she made plenty of weapons for cases like this. She noticed someone walking through her forest that she had never seen before. For as far as Eve knew, she was the only human on earth. She began shooting arrows towards Adam in hopes it would scare him off her land. Adam had no idea what was shooting towards him, so with fear running through him, he ran in circles terrified of what was happening to him. Because he was not fighting back, and Eve did not feel threatened, she slowly made her way towards this strange human that was running in circles.
After calming him down and realizing he was of no threat, she spoke to him the best she could to understand what he was and where he had been. After the both of these humans felt safe around each other, they began to start this journey of life together. Both of them knew different things to help get them through, which led to the both of them teaching each other everything. They began making shelters together and learning off one another to make their lives better. Eventually the two realized why they were the only ones on earth and how to change that. They figured out life together and made small adjustments little by little to make earth a habitable place to live.
Adam and Eve
Author's Note:
This story was based on the original story of Adam and Eve. I based the beginning of the story on how Adam was created, and went from there. Instead of the two already being together, I wanted to change it on how they would have met in real life and what would have actually happened if they realized they were the only two people on earth.