Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Reading Notes: Chinese Fairy Book Part A

For this unit, I chose to write over the Monkey King, in the Chinese Fairy Book. I liked the entire first part of this story, but the parts that stuck out to me the most were the Dragon King, and Dragon Queen sections. Throughout this story there are many baboons who are the Ape King's subjects. They show him a lot of ways to get the weapons he needs, so I think I could change the story by making the whole thing just a dream. I would make the Monkey King be a 5 year old boy, named Sam, who was obsessed with apes, weapons, and fairy tales. Throughout his dream, he would be the king, of course, and find the best weapon in the world! His journeys would consist of him having many monkey friends to show him the way and how to become the greatest King in the world. He would ask all of his monkeys to find the best weapon ever, which they did. They found someone very powerful named Drogon, who made the best swords ever, which he was dying to have. So in the dream, Sam would conquer the world with his amazing weapons and rule over everything. He would be a great King that everyone loved and respected. When Sam would wake up, he would feel like he was still the most amazing King ever, and live life everyday like he was a Monkey King!

This story is part of the The Monkey King unit. Story source: "The Ape Sun Wu Kung" in The Chinese Fairy Book ed. by R. Wilhelm and translated by Frederick H. Martens (1921).

Young King


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I really like your idea. The Monkey King story is a very interesting story. It is very attentive of you to relate the Monkey King with a 5 year old boy since the Monkey King was born without the parents. He lacked the common understandings of the society, which led him to cause many troubles. I can’t wait to see how to you create this modern version of Monkey King.
