Monday, September 19, 2016

Reading Notes: The Story of the Fisherman Part A

For Part A of the Arabian Nights Unit, I chose to write over the Story of the Fisherman. I wanted to connect this story to my Part B of Aladdin. So in this part of the story a poor fisherman does what he can to support his family. He always goes out to the lake to try and find food for his poor, starving family to make ends meet. Every time he had thrown his net, he would either get garbage, fish carcasses, or shells! So for my notes, I would probably change one major thing- on the fisherman’s last try of the day he would pull in a treasure chest. This poor old man who is trying to catch fish to bring home to his family, now has caught a giant treasure chest! The only problem is, that he cannot get into the chest. So throughout the journey of getting the chest onto his boat without anyone else seeing, and trying to get it home, he come across many obstacles. I would eventually make it to where he had gotten it home and told his family all about it. Because he does not have a key to open to box, or an axe to chop it open, he would go on a journey to find something to open this chest. Along this journey, he would come across a large cave that seemed very strange to him…
The Poor Fisherman- Pierre Puvis de Chavannes

This story is part of the Arabian Nights unit. Story source: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1898). The Story of the Fisherman

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren, I am not sure why you did two Aladdin posts here: Aladdin is ONE-HALF of a unit. Each week there are two parts to read: Part A and Part B. Aladdin is Part B of the Arabian Nights unit, so you still need to read Part A. I hope that makes sense; let me know! Every week there is a Part A and Part B, and you need to read both if you are going to take credit for both reading assignments for the week.
